Friday, August 8, 2014

No grasshopper in my estate

I have a daughter and I wanted to show her grasshopper, and so we went out to the field full of green and nicely cropped/mowed grass. I tried to catch one grasshopper for her. I was really surprised that there isn't any in my estate.

Is it natural? What happened to grasshoppers? Mowed to death? Eaten by birds like in the animation "A Bug's Life"?

The only creepers I could find there were the moth, crickets, and other unfamiliar insects but no grasshopper. I really wanted then to go to other estates and grab a few back to my estate to populate the field.

Do you know what more is missing? I have not seen any ladybird (or ladybug). No dragonfly which is expected considering that there isn't any lake nearby. There isn't any praying mantis (probably there wasn't any prey), and beetle.

Fortunately, there are butterflies hovering around my area and sometimes I can hear cicadas on top of trees. Occasionally, we can spot bees and wasps. Sometimes, there are millipedes and centipedes (being drawn out after heavy rain). Very often, we will see very long earth worm wriggling out from the earth to traverse to a greener pasture during the rain, but some will end up eaten by birds or dried up by the sun later.

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